Sunday, May 2, 2010

chub eye

28mm f3.2 1/100s ISO100
What a bizarre looking, but very common fish.  This "creek chub" is one of the larger fishes to be classified as a minnow.  They typically grow 6-8 inches and can grow up to 12 inches.  They eat smaller minnows, tadpoles, frogs, insects and crayfish.  The male chub builds a nest for eggs in the spring by hollowing out a lenghty hole on the riverbed.  After the eggs are laid he guards then until they hatch.  Mature males grow these "tubercles" on it's nose.  I caught this chub yesterday on a hard crayfish crank-bait.My daughter caught this chub yesterday using a small sonic minnow spinnerbait.  It was indeed beautiful, gold and rosy, and her first catch of the day. Yay Madibo.


  1. ps- this chub was about 8 inches. ;)

  2. I wouldn't exactly describe this guy as cute but he sure is interesting looking.

  3. That chub if gorgeous ..... cleverly unique God's creature. What a catch ! What a photograph !!

  4. I really like the close up on this. Great shot and very interesting info.
