Changing perspective can alter everything about your subject. You can take the everyday occurence and create a bizarre fresh view. The image can establish new thoughts and wonderment. Sometimes you just gotta take the red pill...
I was asked to post a few more flower photographs. Here is another sample. There is a fine line in having strong composition, proper lighting, selected DOF and even a good subject flower. The craft is ever evolving...
This is my near daily photography web log. I got interested in photography in high school and have been taking shots ever since. I am still developing techniques and honing my eye. I tend to gravitate toward macro shots, small subjects and low perspective. Have fun digging through the blog and looking at old posts. You will see that I have worked through different processing, framing and display techniques along the way. It's all in an effort to learn something new. All of these photos were taken with minimal equipment and consumer level cameras. You can do any of this with your camera too. Thanks for stopping by. Leave a comment or ask a question. Let's learn this stuff together.
Canon 40D
50mm f1.8 ***
28-135mm f3.5 IS USM
Jason Sparks Photo Communique Copyright 2009 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED