Saturday, July 17, 2010

mary's gold

126mm f5.6 1/125s ISO1250

Friday, July 16, 2010

organic self defense

28mm f3.2 1/125s ISO100

Thursday, July 15, 2010

two feet

The Virginia Creeper

Investigate this. Google it. Plan it. Do it.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


28mm f5.6 1/500s ISO100
bathed in sunshine the susans beam

Monday, July 12, 2010

pipevine swallowtail

These butterflies are common in the mountains of North Carolina.  I stumbled up on several on the bank of a small stream.  This one stood it's ground as I approached and allowed me to capture several shots from 3-4 inches away.  Then it slowly lifted off and circled me.  As I researched what type this butterfly was I came across images of it's caterpillar stage.  Wildly enough, just a few days earlier I have snapped off a few frames of a strange caterpillar, it turns out they are one in the same.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

last season

80mm f3.2 1/80s ISO100
Down and out in the weeds, these snow skis are retired.  Left-overs from seasons past.  Used and abused, raced and wrecked, now just stored and bored, they long for one last season.