Sunday, September 26, 2010

creative expressions


  1. This one has me curious. What techniques did you use to get the canvas effect?

  2. I shot the image through a transparent screen approximately three feet from the lens. The dof blurred it slightly giving the textured appearance of a canvas.

    actually, i took a rather general photograph and used a waterpaint filter over it twice to give it the hand-painted look. Then I layer a "canvas" filter over it for the final painting effect.

    I'm interested in printing some photos on canvas and am using this technique here to simulate the final product to help me gauge my project.

    btw: I use and GIMP to process my images. Photoshop and others $ programs can do this too... I am not sure of the terms and features in those products.

  3. Thanks Jason. Great info. Interestingly enough I have Gimp on my computer but haven't tried it out yet :-/ I'm a little intimidated by it. I'm currently using Picasa and that is great but I've (almost!) outgrown it.
